How can I help?

Volunteering your time

Community events like A Walk in the Park Geelong, wouldn’t happen without the invaluable support of many volunteers.  There are many different roles to play – if you are interested in volunteering at A Walk in the Park Geelong please email [email protected]

Corporate or in-kind support

This year we would like to thank our Major Supporter: Homestyle Aged Care 

As well as:


A Walk in the Park Geelong event organisers hope to keep the organising costs to an absolute minimum and are continuously looking for corporate support and in-kind support to make this happen.  

We already have some supporters on board for the 2023 event; if you would like to find out how you can support A Walk in the Park Geelong please email [email protected]

Share our social media posts – and

Share your own social media posts and use the hashtags #awalkintheparkgeelong #ourfamilyyourfamily #fightparkinsons 

If you would like to support the event or have anything you are able to offer, please contact [email protected] or 1800 644 189 to get involved.